My family teases me that when I'm deep in thought, the lights are on, but nobody's home--I'm lost in my thoughts. Such was the case one day as I was driving several years ago, shuttling kids from one place to another. I was wishing time could stand still, especially when enjoying meals or time with dear friends or family. I was wishing that time were no issue, so that we could cultivate closer, more intimate relationships with people. Life moves so swiftly, and much time is used up just living and taking care of basic needs of self and family. I was wishing there was more time to have people over for meals, that they could stay and that we could get to know one another for more than just a couple hours--to really understand each other and develop deeper, more meaningful relationships.
As I was deep in that thought, I felt the Spirit come in and teach me a powerful truth, which is this: Our Heavenly Father and Savior, Jesus Christ are not bound by time. Because they are not bound by time, they are able to be with each one of us for every/any moment of our lives. They know each of us very deeply, our joys, sorrows, struggles. They are able to be laser focused on one person at a time--to literally be with each of us in every moment of our lives. I don't understand how. That is beyond my mortal comprehension. But the notion that they may be with me every second of my life is strengthening, faith-building, and hope promoting. I also think twice about what I say, do, think, etc.
The other day as I washed dishes, I was listening to the Mormon Channel. It was a theatrical reading from the Book of Luke. I found two verses particularly moving, so much so that tears rolled down my face into the warm water of the sink.
The story is right after the last supper when Jesus is speaking with Peter (also known as Simon).
"And the Lord said, Simon, Simon, behold Satan hath desired to have you, that he may sift you as wheat: But I have prayed for thee, that thy faith fail not..." (Luke 22:31-32)
I felt the Spirit speaking to me right then. I thought it was so beautiful that Jesus, the Lord and Savior of the world, prayed for Peter, that his faith fail not. If Jesus prayed for Peter, who's to say he wouldn't pray for me?
I believe the reason I was so overcome with emotion is because the Holy Ghost was testifying to me that Jesus does pray for me, as He did for Peter. I believe he prays to the Father for each of us. He is, after all, our advocate with the Father. He has paid the price to save our souls, so we are His. He loves us. What a beautiful thing to think that he prays in our behalf! And that He may be present with us in every moment of our lives.

Beautiful Molly! Yes- time is the mortal equalizer- we all have the same 24 hours in a day. It is what we choose to do with our time that makes the difference. I am so thankful that time is a MORTAL issue and that are Heavenly Father CAN be with us always! I am thankful to have an advocate with our Heavenly Father, even our Savior Jesus Christ. Heaven knows I need it! Even when I feel like I am in constant prayer. I am also thankful for friends like you that I know pray on my behalf as well.