Thursday, December 6, 2018

#LightTheWorld... With a kidney?

Millions of people world-wide have been encouraged this holiday season to #LightTheWorld.  I have friends in my neighborhood who are collecting coats, scarves, hats and gloves for the homeless.  At the high school and junior high they are collecting food for hungry kids.  Some are buying Sub-for-Santa gifts.  I see others shoveling walkways for their neighbors and other countless acts of service.  These people are all heroes to those they help.  My biggest hero this season is my sister, Maggie-- mother of four small kids, full-time employee of the The Good and the Beautiful, gun-toting, goat-milking, animal-loving, dirt-digging, quick-witted introvert who wants zero recognition or attention.  She will probably grimace at the small spotlight this will cast on her, but the story must be told.

Maggie was just approved, after months of extensive testing, to donate a kidney to a man in her ward.  His name is Scott.  Maggie really didn’t know Scott, only that he lives in her ward, that he is the father of 4 kids and that he has been sick for a very, very long time—15 years, actually.  The past 4 years Scott has been on dialysis, and most recently has to go into the hospital every other day for several hours of treatment.  Doctors say Scott is running out of time and needs a kidney transplant to live beyond a year or so. 

Maggie’s husband, Abram, was inspired to get tested to see if he was a match for Scott.  That was over a year ago. He was not a match.  Forty five other people have done the same thing, all willing and hoping to donate a life-saving kidney to Scott (everyone of these people are heroes, in my book!).  After praying about it, Maggie felt like she should go and get tested.  Bingo.  She is the lucky winner!

The transplant will happen in Murray, Utah on January 8, 2019.  As Maggie told me about this, I was amazed by her excitement.  This is a girl who used to get nauseous just by walking through a hall of the hospital.  Literally “I’m-gonna-barf!” nauseous. But she told me, “It feels so right!  I can hardly wait!  I’m so excited about it, I’m giddy! I wish it was next week, not a month from now!”

Maggie said everyone at church knows Scott.  He was raised in the area, and his family is well-known.  Plus, he’s the guy who needs a kidney.  Everyone knows.  Maggie likes to quietly serve and not be noticed.  That made this past Sunday a little uncomfortable for Maggie, when the whole ward found out that Scott was finally getting a kidney!  From Maggie!  She was overwhelmed with hugs and kind words from people she didn’t know very well.  Although uncomfortable, she was touched by the outpouring of love and excitement by so many that love Scott.  She was especially warmed by Scott’s 14-year-old daughter, Kylee.  Maggie had been swarmed by people at church, giving her hugs and kind words of gratitude, which made her late to Young Women’s.  As she walked in, Kylee was just sitting down, her face in her hands, nearly sobbing.  Most of the room’s eyes were wet with tears, and sniffles throughout.  The Young Women’s President then got up to make some announcements, but she was unable to speak, her voice breaking in sobs.  Maggie leaned into another leader, Becky, and asked what had just happened.

“Kylee just got up and said, ‘My Dad’s getting a kidney.  And Maggie’s the donor.’ And we all cried.” Becky said, wiping her own wet face.

As the girls stood to separate into age-groups for lessons, Maggie walked over to Kylee and put her arms around her.  Kylee took hold of Maggie and held on for a long time, crying.  Neither said a word for what seemed like a long time.  Finally, Maggie whispered, “We’re family now.” Maggie said that sweet Kylee quietly wept the duration of the class.

“It’s funny,” Maggie said.  “People are so excited, saying, ‘Scott is getting a kidney!  He is getting Maggie’s kidney!’ But I feel like it has always been his kidney!  I wanna say, ‘Yay!  My kidney is finally getting Scott!  It’s his kidney.  I’ve just been holding onto it for a while.’’”

More to come…

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