Tuesday, October 1, 2013

A Mother's Homecoming Woes

Am I the only mother who cries because her daughter didn’t get asked to her high school homecoming dance?  I felt so ridiculous!  Why did I even care?  Was it because she just turned 16 and could finally go? The funny thing is, my daughter didn’t even care that she wasn’t going.  Well, that’s what she said, and I believe her.  She’s a kid that never gets too worked up about anything.  She was cool with it.  
 She never knew it (and still doesn’t), but I was struggling.
I had been doing ok.  Until I started looking at the homecoming photos of all her friends on facebook.  I didn’t mean to look.  I really didn’t.  I was looking up something else, when I noticed a few pictures.  Then I was sucked in head first.  I went through picture after picture.  They were beautiful.  Fun.  Happy.  Charming.  It seemed like a wonderful time was had by all.  So why did I feel so rotten about it?  What was it that was eating me up inside?  I didn’t want to feel that way.
It was bothering me so much, I finally went in tears to my bedroom, closed the door and knelt in prayer.
“Why don’t they love her like I love her?”  I began.  “She is so wonderful  in a multitude of ways.  Why didn’t she get asked?  Doesn’t anyone realize what a fantastic, talented, smart, beautiful human being she is?”
The Spirit whispered to me, “I love her.  I know how wonderful she is even better than you do.”
Somehow that realization brought me comfort.  He knows.  He knows us all.  He knows all the beautiful things about everyone of us.  He even knows the parts that aren’t so pretty, and he loves us still.  Everything about us.   He knows our incredible potential.  He knows that one little homecoming dance really doesn’t matter or change how precious my daughter is.


  1. Beautifully Heartfelt. I have felt those feelings before too. I too was blessed with Heavenly Father's love for my children as well as for myself.

  2. She's the one I would wanna go with! I think we moms sometimes hurt even more than our kiddos do. Elijah didn't seem to care that his friends teased him that "red hair is only for girls!" But it hurt me. Do you think our Father in Heaven and Savior feel our pain even more deeply than we do sometimes?

    1. That's true, Maggie, and a profound thought.

  3. That brought tears to my eyes. I think we hurt more for our sweet babies than they do for themselves at times. Laurel is blessed to have such a loving and spiritual Mom and you are blessed to have a beautiful and amazing daughter :)

  4. P.S. I miss you!!!!! We haven't talked in forever!!!!
