It has been nine months since she donated a kidney to Scott. They have both recovered incredibly well. Maggie ran THREE half marathons over the summer months, and Scott has been going on outings with his kids, such as hunting, that he has not been able to do for years!
Unfortunately, as happens with these things sometimes, Maggie has a hernia at the incision site. She went in today for a CT scan, which confirmed the hernia and the need to repair it surgically.
Maggie made it clear to me that she does not now, nor will she EVER, regret donating her kidney to Scott. It was meant to be. It was the right thing. It was divinely arranged. "It was Scott's kidney," she said. But Maggie gets nauseous by simply walking through the halls of a hospital. She is that adverse to medical "stuff." So the thoughts of another surgery was dreadful to her.
As she left the hospital, she felt nervous and fearful-- super apprehensive about the unanticipated surgery. At least last time she had the excitement of doing something really wonderful for another human being. This time there was no such excitement, just a dang repair surgery.
After leaving the hospital, she decided to go to Kneader's to pick up some lunch and some warm, yummy comfort. In the drive-thru line she ordered a turkey sandwich, artichoke-portobello soup, and a fruit tart (hey, she had been fasting since the day before!). As she exited the drive-thru, Konnie (Scott's wife) called.
"What are you doing at Kneader's?!" she asked. "We just sat down to eat and saw you in the drive-thru window! Come join us!"

Maggie parked and took her food into the restaurant and sat down with Scott and Konnie. To all of their surprise, Scott and Maggie had ordered the EXACT same meal! Scott had also ordered a turkey sandwich, artichoke-portobello soup AND a fruit tart! If you think that was any coincidence, there's more...
Scott and Konnie had gone to Subway for lunch because it was close to her work. But as they pulled up to Subway, Scott said, "You know, I really don't feel like going to Subway. Let's go somewhere else. You know what I'm craving? Kneader's." They had only ever gone to Kneader's once, a long time ago, in a different city. But today they drove 15 minutes, to the other end of town, to go to Kneader's, because Scott was craving it. Then he ordered EXACTLY what Maggie ordered at nearly the same time (which was after the lunch hour--about 2:15). And then they just "happen" to sit where they could see the drive-thru window, and they just "happen" to see Maggie as she pulled up.
They were all able to sit and talk. Maggie's heart was warmed as Scott told her about his upcoming hunting trip, and other fun things they had planned that he was too sick to do before. She was able to tell them what she was doing in town and receive much needed support from these people who's lives she has changed forever, and who love her like family.
God is in the details of our lives, my friends. He knows our fears, our struggles. There are miracles all around us. Today he worked a miracle through Scott's stomach to give Maggie a divine hug. And to simply let her know that He loves her and it will all be okay.
"...and lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world." Matthew 28:20